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Office Hours

Office Hours

I've hesitant to hit publish on this one for awhile, but here we are anyways. I use Twitter in two ways:

  1. a professional development platform
  2. a shitposting platform

My output to the rest of the social world is all nihilistic garbage1. My inputs are fascinating technical deep dives by a variety of folks putting their knowledge explorations out there for free. While I'm enjoying the split, I want to change the ratio slightly.

One wholesome trend I've noticed going around social media sphere is the idea of: Office Hours. Same deal as it was in college: a time & space to talk about a wide array of 75% technical, 25% professional, topics. I loved hosting them in grad school and got a ton of value out of them. So why stop? I've done a few of in 2022 with folks and it's been a great time. Let's keep the party going.

Some house rules:

  • I'm happy to talk about whatever, but probably most equipped to talk about electronics and circuit design
  • I can talk about aerospace stuff a bit, but not going to claim it as my specialty, just my job!
  • Speaking of job, please don't use this to try and get a position at Astranis (internship/full-time/etc). I'll have to redirect you to other venues for that
  • But don't let the above dissuade you from talking about professional development, totally down to talk on that: in the workplace, networking, and any other kinds

Anyways, let's see where this goes. Thanks for reading, let's talk?

  1. High quality garbage, mind you ↩︎